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The Zionist cover-up in Jenin

First, Sharon said that he would welcome a UN fact finding team. Then he proceeded to follow
in Saddam's footsteps:
First, Sharon lied by saying that he would welcome a UN fact finding team in Jenin. Then he proceeded to follow in Saddam's footsteps by doing the following:

1. Like Saddam, Sharon asked to control the choice of UN fact finders
2, Sharon demanded that military people be lead investigators
3. Sharon demanded that he controlled who would be interviewed
4. Sharon asked that his witnesses be given immunity from war crimes charges
5. Sharon demanded that the fact finding scope be limited in time
6, Sharon demanded that the fact finding be limited to Jenin
7. Sharon demanded to view and edit report before publication

It seems to me that Sharon may have terrible atrocities to hide. If not, why all the self-serving roadblocks.

It is clear to most of the world that the IDF acted in an inhumane way while breaking many Geneva Convention and international laws. Some Sharon supporters and other naive dummies will parrot his lies on the total innocent victims killed.

Sharon has had many days to hide the incriminating evidence and to plant explosives to hinder search and rescue operations by Internationals and Red Crescent medical teams that he hates

His rejections of the UN fact finding team is a disgrace and is a serious smear on all Jewish people. Without this independent UN fact finding Sharon and his thugs will never have the opportunity to prove they have clean hands.



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