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tomorrow: come to a discussion on resisting psychiatric oppression!

Saturday's May Day/Carnival Against Capitalism conference, hosted by Chicago Direct Action Network, will include a discussion of psychiatric human rights violations and what we can do about it...
This is Katherine from Mad Lib and the Chicagoland Alliance for Psychiatric Alternatives. I haven't been able to do much activism locally for a while, and I wanted to let people know I'm presenting a workshop at a Chicago conference THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 27, and I'd like to get people to attend and even co-present if they'd like.

I'll be talking about the globalization of the mental health industry, how coercive psychiatry violates human rights, especially of young people, and what we can do about it. The conference information is on this site at

The May Day conference's emphasis is on local organizing--which is desperately needed around psychiatric consumer/survivor issues here! I've asked to do my workshop in the first block, from about 11:30 am-1:00. I'll also have lots of literature there to distribute.

See for more about the weekend's events including Sunday's outdoor protest and party...

I hope some people can attend the workshop--this would actually be the first workshop I present in Chicago! And if you're interested in presenting, call me at 773/227-9374.




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