Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Local war-mongering anti-immigrant NAFTA-pusher named White House Chief of Staff

Not the choice for changeRahm Emanuel, who since 2003 has been the Illinois' 5th district representative in Congress (on Chicago's north side), and has been the focus of repeated activist efforts and protests for many years, has been named White House Chief of Staff for the forthcoming Obama administration.

Emanuel has been stridently pro-war, and as chair of the Democratic Caucus in the U.S. House for two years has advocated for pro-war House Democrats for election (including the Illinois 6th district primary battle between Tammy Duckworth and Christine Cegelis). Emanuel also played a key role in the passage of NAFTA in the U.S. Congress, has sided with xenophobic Republicans on immigrant rights issues, and has been stridently pro-market, having been the top recipient of donations from hedge funds and private equity firms.

Past Chicago Indymedia coverage: Illinois Occupation Project: 2 arrested at office of Rahm Emanuel | Chicago Independent Television: Video of 2008 Protest at Rahm Emanuel's office

Additional coverage: 'History will be the judge:' Rahm Emanuel on the Iraq War and More | Photos of various anti-Emanuel actions | Israeli Media Claims That Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff Will Represent Israel in the White House | Rahm Emanuel's father offers commentary | Facebook: Rahm Emanuel - NOT the Choice for Change | The Real News Network: Obama recruits "Rahmbo" Emanuel | The Real News Network: Who is Rahm Emanuel?


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