Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

News :: Animal Rights : Protest Activity

40 Million Dead: Animals Tortured and Murdered for Vanity

FFF [permalink] On Friday, November 25th, approximately 120 Chicago animal rights activists came out in force for the annual Fur Free Friday march. Despite the bitter cold and a heavy police presence, activists congregated in Daley Plaza before marching onto fur-supporting businesses in Chicago. The march was dedicated to animal liberationist prisoner Peter Young.

At the rally preceding the march, activists and other passers-by were educated to the horrors of the fur industry via bullhorn:

"Each year over 40,000,000 animals are killed by the fur industry. These animals die by gassing, trapping, anal or vaginal electrocution and other equally barbaric, grisly methods."

After visiting and agitating both consumers and business owners at brand-name companies such as Marshall Field's, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Bloomingdales, and upscale furriers such as Andriana Furs and Elan's Furs, the march ended with a rally at Water Tower Plaza at Chicago & Michigan where Chicago Soy Dairy served vegan hot cocoa. Activists were asked to not let the day's events be their only action in support of animals for the upcoming year. It was stated that one march wasn't going to stop the fur industry, but rather that a sustained campaign, utilizing a diversity of tactics, would bring the industry to its knees.

To get involved, e-mail or and ask to be added to the announce list to be kept up to date for future animal rights actions taking place in Chicago. Read the full article here.

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Additional Information: Fur Kills | Neiman Carcass | Fur Is Dead | Infurmation




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