All About Natural Materials

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All About Natural Materials

Natural fabrics are materials that are made from fibers of natural origin: plant, animal or mineral. They are widely used for sewing underwear, clothing, home textiles, medical devices due to many advantages over synthetics.

This idea is not new: since time immemorial, clothes were made from natural fabrics, because there was simply no alternative. In modern realities, the once most accessible materials have received a completely different status and meaning, and such clothes for a person are a step towards nature, concern for the sustainability of the environment.

Eco-fashion has become a real trend, gaining momentum every day, followed by almost all global brands that produce designer clothing collections exclusively from natural raw materials. Products made from such materials look simple, but expensive. They are characterized by high quality, provide special comfort and are absolutely safe for human health.

Let's consider which fabrics are considered natural and what their unique advantages are.

Classification, features and characteristics of natural fabrics

We found out which fabrics are called natural.

But, in addition to being natural, they must be made in an environmentally friendly manner, including efficient use of water and gentle processing methods in production.
The properties of natural fabrics depend on the fibers they are made of. What kind of fabric is considered natural?

Fabrics of natural origin are classified into three types:

animal origin. The raw materials for their production are provided by living beings. These are woolen and silk materials;
of plant origin. Obtained from plant raw materials. These are such types of natural fabrics for clothing as linen, bamboo, cotton, nettle, hemp fabrics;
of mineral origin. Obtained from minerals - asbestos and awn.
Let's look at the most popular types of natural fabrics.


It is one of the most ancient materials of plant origin known to mankind: its remains were found on the mummies of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. The Slavs sewed clothes from linen fabrics for many centuries. Nowadays, linen is considered one of the best natural fabrics.

Durable and strong material is resistant to tearing and abrasion. It is ideal for sewing summer clothes, as it has unique properties - the ability to reduce body temperature by 2-3 degrees and reflect ultraviolet radiation. The fabric quickly absorbs and evaporates moisture, remains dry and comfortable on the skin, including during intense sweating. Even when mixed with synthetics, it does not accumulate static electricity. Despite its apparent roughness, linen is very pleasant to wear, soothes irritated skin, and helps to recover from sunburn.

The natural property of linen fabrics – high creasing – is today considered their unique feature and makes products recognizable. Modern technologies for softening linen allow you to get soft, beautiful fold lines instead of deep creases, and light creasing of clothes looks noble and natural.

The category of women's, men's and children's linen items includes comfortable home clothes for rest and sleep - shirts, trousers and shorts, mixed into attractive sets.


The birthplace of the plant that gave the world the most popular material is considered to be India. Cotton fabric was brought to Europe only in the Middle Ages and at that time was worth its weight in gold. The universal fabric is used for sewing underwear, home clothes, products for newborns, accessories and interior textiles.

High hygroscopicity is the most important characteristic of cotton, which can absorb up to 40% of its own weight in water and still remain dry. This property becomes especially valuable in the summer season. The material is breathable, does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. The low weight is due to the fine structure of the fabric.

The catalogue presents cotton clothes for year-round wear for girls and boys: T-shirts and shorts.

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