Postpartum weight loss with Yoga

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Evan Murray

Weight gain caused by childbirth is a common problem among young mothers. The topic of losing weight and getting rid of excess weight is raised on playgrounds more often than any other. Of course, standard methods of losing weight are not suitable for young mothers, because they are constrained by a whole list of factors that interfere with weight loss: an incorrect regimen, high stress, breastfeeding (BC), and much more. Therefore, in their case, other weight loss strategies are relevant, which StyleFitness will tell you about.

Basic Theory
Weight loss for any person is, first of all, a lack of energy (calories). The body uses up accumulated fat only in an emergency situation, for example, when there is a shortage of daily calories. If you do not give the body enough food and energy from it day after day, it will go to extreme measures - it will start spending its fat stash and extracting energy from there.

That is, fat on the butt, belly and other parts of the body is nothing more than spare energy, which is spent only with a regular lack of food. An interesting fact is that the body does not distinguish between energy sources, be it a large fast food burger or a plate of freshly cooked buckwheat with milk and butter. Your body only cares about the final form of food - calories.

Therefore, choosing products for weight loss is not as important as many young mothers think. It is much more important to maintain a calorie balance and remain in the so-called deficit, which guarantees fat loss. Always make sure, you are rolling the yoga mat correctly

What conclusions can we draw from this? You will not have to starve, use strict or mono-diets, which are harmful to the body of a young mother and for the baby, if we are talking about breastfeeding.

3 Key Factors for Postpartum Weight Loss

Many mothers do not follow a daily routine. When the child falls asleep, they rush to do all the household chores, from washing to a thorough cleaning of the house. At the same time, of course, they snack on the go, not realizing either the calorie content of the snacks or their benefits.

Try to match your child's daily routine with your own. When your child is sleeping, sleep. When he is awake, do household chores. This will protect you from chaotic snacking, restore the correct daily routine, and with it, the normal functioning of the hormonal system.

The functioning of the thyroid gland, the balance of prolactin, estradiol and progesterone - all these factors play a significant role in postpartum weight loss. By depriving yourself of a normal daily routine, not following circadian rhythms, you spoil the hormonal background, and this puts a spoke in the wheel of rapid weight loss and also try to get a nice material for yoga mat that can help in weight reduction

Therefore, first of all, find an optimal regime with sufficient sleep without unnecessary stress. Minimize negative stress and snacks that confuse your body. At first glance, the regime does not particularly help with weight loss, but this is not so. As statistics show, random snacks often account for more than half of daily calories. Now imagine that you got rid of them. You immediately, easily and simply reduced your diet by 25-50%, and thereby created the coveted calorie deficit necessary for stable weight loss. And what is no less important, you will hardly feel the lack of snacks, because you will be busy either playing with your child or doing household chores.

As we have already noted above, losing weight does not require a strict diet consisting only of chicken breast, buckwheat and cucumbers. Such a diet is contraindicated for young mothers. They should eat a variety of foods, restoring their body and hormonal system after the stress of childbirth. But how then to lose weight?

Very simple: cook a variety of foods often. Each meal should consist of a small amount of grain, a moderate amount of protein, and a handful of nuts or olive oil. For example, for breakfast you can eat a bowl of oatmeal, 2 hard-boiled eggs, a few walnuts, and drink a glass of juice.

It is filling, healthy, and the caloric content of such a meal will not exceed the caloric content of your usual snack. Similarly, you need to prepare food for lunch and dinner. Avoid unplanned meals, and thus you will significantly reduce your diet.

The ideal postpartum weight loss is eating at the same time as your baby. Eat only together, and try not to sit at the table for too long. Prepare moderate portions and different dishes. Such a comprehensive approach guarantees weight loss. In ancient times, mothers ate only with their children, and often the amount of food left much to be desired. Try to imitate such conditions.

The easiest point of postpartum weight loss. You just need to walk more often with your baby. Walk with a stroller or hold his hand for 2-3 hours a day, every day. This is an excellent option for physical activity that will burn a lot of calories and create the necessary calorie deficit.

A little lifehack: to burn more calories with regular walking, walk either quickly or very slowly. Your regular walking pace burns little energy, as the body finds this mode comfortable, and therefore energy-efficient. Fast or slow walking is outside the norm, which makes the body burn more calories.

Later, when the progress of weight loss slows down, you will have to increase the duration or number of walks. For example, 1-2 hours in the morning is enough, and another half hour in the evening. However, if you do not have this opportunity, you can use another option: buy special weights in a sports store that are attached to your legs. They increase your weight, and this forces the body to spend more calories.

Final Words
For postpartum weight loss, only three main factors are enough. Additionally, you can use standard tricks and life hacks from regular weight loss, be it calorie counting, appetite control, etc. However, we do not recommend you use supplements, as they can negatively affect recovery and breastfeeding.

Remember: exercising immediately after giving birth is prohibited. It doesn't matter what popular mommy bloggers say. The physiology of the body is such that a modern woman needs at least six months to fully restore all physiological functions.


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