Ways to achieve the ideal figure with Yoga

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Evan Murray

Many people dream of having a beautiful body. Not everyone manages to achieve their dream. Why?

Most likely, it is a matter of insufficient motivation. In order to change yourself, you need to change your lifestyle. Get out of your usual way of life - your comfort zone. To do this, you need to start thinking differently.

So, the answer is simple – you need to start with your head. Psychologists believe that in order for our desire to come true faster, we need to visualize it.

Imagine that you have acquired a beautiful body. What kind of body exactly is this, how does it look, there should be as few general words as possible, specifics are needed for yoga https://gracify.co.uk/best-yoga-mat-size/ You must accurately imagine another you and the sensations that your new body gives you.

You need to work out the picture as clearly as possible, paying attention to every little thing. And when the desire to eat something fatty or skip a workout arises, remember your feelings and get a new charge of motivation to work on yourself.

How to achieve a beautiful body? In addition to visualization, you should not forget about a number of components on which the speed of acquiring ideal forms depends. Because an excessively long path to the result will kill any motivation.

Proper nutrition
Without a properly selected diet, it is impossible to talk about serious correction of the figure, whether it is weight loss or muscle gain. Abuse of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats will negatively affect weight loss, and a lack of proteins and calories - on weight gain.

Nutrition should be complete, balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements, and most importantly - meet the task at hand. We train for weight loss and for mass differently, with nutrition everything is exactly the same.

Lack of vitamins can negatively affect the beauty of the skin and hair, provoke excess weight gain. Therefore, in the spring-autumn period for yoga https://gracify.co.uk/best-yoga-mat-thickness/ the issue of hypovitaminosis prevention is especially acute.

When choosing a diet, it is better to give preference to vegetables, greens, boiled lean beef and chicken, fruits, low-calorie dairy products. You should reduce the amount of sweet, starchy, spicy and highly salted foods consumed.

For health and beauty, you need to drink as much pure water as possible. About 2 liters per day. At the same time, you should refuse water during food consumption. Since it helps to reduce the concentration of gastric juice.

Physical activity
How to make a beautiful body? The more we move, the stronger our muscles work and the better the sculpture of our body is drawn.

To stay in shape, you can visit the gym, pool or group fitness classes several times a week. To improve the effect, it is better to combine fitness classes with long walks, jogging, and participation in active games.

By skipping the elevator and taking the stairs or walking instead of driving, you can not only improve your circulation and well-being, but also burn off extra pounds.

Correct posture
Correct posture gives the silhouette grace. However, prolonged sitting at the computer, in the car, on the couch, the habit of carrying heavy objects in one hand and reading on the side have a negative effect on the spine.

To maintain and improve your posture, you should monitor your back position while sitting and walking, and distribute your weight evenly when carrying heavy bags. Correct posture makes your body look slimmer by working your abdominal and back muscles.

Healthy sleep
Our body needs a full rest. Some people think that 6 hours is enough to restore their strength, while others need 9-10. The average norm is 8 hours. We strongly recommend against deviating from this average figure by more than 2 hours.

Research by scientists has shown that people who get enough sleep are less likely to suffer from obesity. This is because during sleep the body consumes its own fat reserves, there is a decrease in hormones that increase appetite, and an increase in hormones responsible for normal metabolism.

It should also be noted that the optimal time for sleep is at night. Since from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. the main production of the hormone melatonin occurs. A deficiency of this hormone in the body can lead to the development of depression.

Skin care
The beauty of the body directly depends on the beauty of the skin. Therefore, it requires daily care. In the summer, it is necessary to use protective creams. Since the sun is the main factor in rapid aging of the skin and can cause skin cancer in addition to burns and microcracks.

Once a week, you should pamper your face and body with a nourishing or moisturizing mask, and your hands with a paraffin wrap. In order for the skin to renew itself faster and look fresher, it is recommended to do a peeling before applying the mask. It is advisable to do it on well-steamed skin.

Giving up bad habits
Nicotine is harmful to the health and beauty of the body. The skin, nails and teeth suffer first. The body is poisoned by toxins that are the result of the combustion process.

Alcohol kills nerve cells and stimulates appetite, which in turn leads to excess weight gain. To maintain beauty, you need to give up these bad habits.

Positive thinking
A radiant, smiling person is obviously more beautiful than a gloomy, hunched over and preoccupied person. Positive thinking helps to combat the negative effects of stress and enjoy the process of life itself, be open to new experiences and prospects. Including the prospect of being beautiful.

Final Words
How to get a beautiful body? You should tune in to a positive mood, give up bad habits, watch your posture and skin condition, sleep well, eat right and move a lot. Then the result will appear very soon. Routine and lots and lots of work. We have warned you.


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