Chicago Indymedia contributor and activist Richard Reilly, 1952-2020


presente!Chicago Indymedia collective member and longtime political activist Richard "Dick" Reilly passed away on February 11, 2020.

In addition to his contributions to Chicago Indymedia, Dick Reilly was active with a host of causes, including local and international Palestine solidarity efforts, Chicago Action Medical, and activist efforts worldwide. A groundswell of commemorations, some of which are linked to below, speak to Dick's longstanding efforts for justice.

In Memoriam: Richard Reilly: Tireless Champion of Solidarity and Justice | USPCN Honors Memory of Richard Reilly | Memorial Fund for Dick Reilly | Samidoun saluts the life and struggle of Richard Reilly | PFLP Mourns comrade Richard Reilly

Selections of Dick Reilly's Indymedia work: Video: Richard Reilly speaking at Brad Will Memorial Vigil (starting at 2:43 mark) | Feature: NYC Indymedia Reporter Shot Dead by Pro-Government Paramilitaries in Oaxaca | Feature Innocent Man Framed By Burge Cops Sues Cops | Feature: Former CPD Commander Jon Burge Arrested on Torture Related Charges

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