Boycott Black Friday Fight Back for CPAC 2016: Nov. 25, 2016:


WHAT: Boycott Back Friday for CPAC

WHEN: 10am Black Friday -- Nov 25, 2016

WHERE: Water Tower Monument, 806 N Michigan Ave

On Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability (CopA) ordinance passed the City Council by a vote of 39 to 8. There are those in our movement who see this as a loss or, worse, as a demoralizing defeat. We don’t agree with this assessment. We admit that we face great challenges, and we have resolved to meet these challenges by intensifying the struggle.

We waged a victorious struggle to get our Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) ordinance into the City Council chamber. The introduction of CPAC into the Council on July 20, 2016 by Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa and eight fellow aldermen was historically significant. This was the first time ever that legislation has been introduced that would empower the people in our communities to hold the police accountability.

Did we lose in October what we had gained on July 20? No we did not. Our ordinance was not even up for a vote. The CPAC ordinance hasn’t even been voted out of committee. The only ordinance on the City Council floor was Mayor Emanuel’s CopA. The CopA ordinance replaces the Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) with a new ‘independent’ body to deal with police crimes and misconduct. It is just another layer of bureaucracy designed to excuse and justify police crimes. In passing CopA, the City Council and the Mayor have completely ignored the democratic demands of the people of Chicago for an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council.

In spite of all the thousands of people demonstrating for CPAC, in spite of the majority of the people demanding CPAC at all the public hearings convened by the City Council’s Progressive Caucus, in spite of every strand of the peoples movement demanding CPAC and opposing CopA, in spite of all this public outcry, the Mayor and his cohorts passed the CopA ordinance.

The people’s response to tyranny is to sharpen our democratic demands and intensify our struggle for our inalienable democratic right to determine who polices our communities and how our communities are policed. That is why at our public meeting Monday October 10, 2016 we voted to call for a boycott of Black Friday this November 25th. In support of our demand that the City Council Enact CPAC we are calling upon all the freedom loving people of Chicago to join us in boycotting the Magnificent Mile in the Loop on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

Since the Laquan McDonald video was revealed and the Black Friday protest last November, approximately 20 more have been shot by the police (up 20%), 460 shot at and assaulted with other weapons by police (up 25%), 3,500 more misconduct complaints filed (up 10%), Zero officers have been fired. This equals Zero community control of the police. CopA leaves City Hall in control. This is why we are calling for the boycott of the Magnificent Mile November 25, 2016.

The Mayor and his pals have done nothing but delay justice for Laquan McDonald, Bettie Jones, Rekia Boyd, Ronnieman Johnson, Flint Farmer, Reverent Catherine Brown, and others. On November 21st it will be 365 days and a cover-up in the Laquan McDonald case.

This corrupt, racist administration has proven that we cannot negotiate with them for justice. We must demand justice and fight for it.


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