CTU sit-in underway at Mayor's office in wake of announced school closings
Parents, Teachers Conducting Sit in at Mayors Office Over School Closings Prepared to Stay Until Mayor Agrees to Meet
Chicago Teachers Union Stands with Communities to Demand a Seat at the Table
CHICAGO 11/2 8:55PM: STATEMENT FROM CITY HALL SIT IN: A coalition of community groups, parents, students and teachers came to City Hall today to demand a meeting with Mayor Emmanuel. Our schools have been closed, starved, consolidated, and turned around. We insist on making our voices heard by the Mayor. He needs to hear from us about the effect these policies have on our children. The Mayor sent word that he is not interested in meeting with us, so we decided to sit in. At the moment, we have 30 people sitting in. We will stay as long as we have to, in order to make our voices heard. The Mayor's handpicked Board of Education is considering closing as many as 100 schools. We will not allow that to happen without parents, students, and teachers at the table.
Participating Groups: KOCO, ARISE Chicago , STOP Chicago, APNC, Teachers for Social Justice, West Rogers Park 99%, Chicago Teachers Union, Chicago Teacher's Solidarity Campaign
Twitter: follow #SaveOurSchools and @STOPChicago
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Release sent in solidarity on behalf of participating orgs. by the by the Occupy Chicago Press Committee
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