America Has Murdered 50,000 Mexicans With It's Racist Drug War!

America Has Murdered 50,000 Mexicans With It's Racist Drug War!
Lloyd Hart
I am sick to my stomach with rage over the radical level of racism inherent in the American power elite's total disregard for the fact that 50,000 Mexicans have been killed in the last three years as a result of America's drug war. As a result of the billions of U.S. drug war dollars sent south of the border into the hands of the drug dealing Calderon government in Mexico. As a result of America's power elite's personal use of powdered cocaine. As a result of America's power elite's laundering of drug money through America's largest to big to fail banks. As a result of a phony, morally corrupt murderous drug war whose drug profits have been used to fund CIA covert operations and used to bribe election officials in American counties for the theft of American elections.
While the American propaganda machine spews radical, racist, murderous hate at Syria and Iran about an uprising in Syria created by the CIA and MI6 in the first place and an attempt by Iran to protect it self from America's insane violent megalomania, it doesn't even phase the press that America has financed the deaths of 50,000 Mexicans. Ignoring this level of violence and placing all the blame entirely on Mexicans who have no other economic ladder from poverty than dealing drugs into the American market rather than placing the blame squarely on American's drug use and the fact that Nixon started the drug war as an aspect of his culture war against sane Americans can only be as a result of institutional American racism.
Not to mention the fact that America building concentration camps for the explicit purpose of the deportation of Latino Americans based on completely unconstitutional and racist anti immigrant policies have placed America on par with Nazi Germany in the 1930s where one ethnic group, the Jews, was singled out for mass deportation. The deportation of Latino Americans is reaching the 1 million mark and may have already past it.
The level of racism inherent in America's present policies should shock the world especially when an African American is over seeing the administration of the racist murder of Mexicans and the racist mass deportation of Latino Americans.
The American public itself have organized millions of people into organizations calling for the end to the drug war and have been polled at over 50% for the legalization of Cannabis nationally. Just recently Californian's were polled at 62% for the legalization of Cannabis. The fact that the Obama regime is raiding and shutting down Medical Cannabis dispensaries in states that have legalized Medical Cannabis with majority supported ballot initiatives shows how the drug war has been turned into a business that has the federal government violating the state's rights aspect of the constitution concerning local majority support of the use of Cannabis.
Majority support at the state level for a policy that does not violate the state or U.S. constitutions is what creates the weight in law toward state's rights but this means nothing to those in government and banking that profit from the drug war.
The lawlessness and racism of the government and the big banks can only lead the entire U.S. population to follow this example and arm themselves to protect there local territory from the invasion of federal officers who everyone knows are lawless and corrupt.
The only conclusion Americans can come to is that the Obama regime's crack down on Medical Cannabis is for the explicit purpose of protecting the Cannabis market for illicit Cannabis coming up from Obama's drug dealing colleague president Calderon in Mexico.
Even America's Secretary of State has capitulated to maintaining the drug war and the prohibition on Cannabis because of as she put it "There is to much money it." which helps hers and her husband's banker friends who made the Clinton's wealthy beyond they're wildest dreams with insider trading thanks to Bill Clinton's deregulating of the banks allowing for even greater drug money laundering. It's no wonder Bush, Obama and congress went side ways on nationalizing the banks or forcing them into bankruptcy as the entire drug money laundering system would have been discovered and almost every politician and federal reserve bank official would have been implicated with their hands in the cookie jar.
With the economy crushing all the spirit out of Americans and all of our civil rights taken away, we can't even grow a little pot to make life a little healthier.
So, America please join me in telling the entire power elite in America to Go Fuck Themselves! They have lost all our respect, period.
Lloyd Hart
The Cannabis Vote!
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