"Quarks" presenter El-Hassan at the Hate-March in Berlin

Jew Bastard

She is to become the new face of the WDR science magazine "Quarks" from October, but a few years ago Nemi El-Hassan (28) took part in a march of the Islamist Al-Quds brigades in Berlin.

The annual Al-Quds March is considered an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstration and takes place at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

In addition to the photo, an educational video from the "Federal Agency for Civic Education" (BPB) from 2015 appeared. In it, the former YouTuber explains her interpretation of the word "jihad".

Rather, "my jihad" means something like "be kind," "work," and "be patient," she explained in the video.

According to Islamic scholar Dr. Abdel-Hakim Ourghi (53) "an absolute relativization. Jihad as a struggle against unbelievers - such as Jews and Christians - was practiced by the prophet as early as 624 by fighting those who think differently," he stated to Bild.

The WDR took the doctor under protection based on the statements made in the BPB video, which were "taken out of context" and also "six years old".


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