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Chicago Independent Television
From The Trenches radio
Chicago Independent Television for August: More on NATO Summit 2012
2012-08-18 22:29
Chicago Independent Television for July: NATO Summit 2012 Continued
2012-07-28 16:14
Chicago Independent Television for June: NATO Summit 2012
2012-06-14 18:31
Chicago Independent Television for May: Occupy Chicago Spring, Why Protest NATO?, G8 (Not) in Chicago, Joseph Kony
2012-05-10 22:43
Chicago Independent Television for April: Re-Occupy Republic, Rahm the Grinch, Khader Adnan Hunger Strike
2012-04-12 00:09
Chicago Independent Television for March: M20 Lawsuit Settlement, Anti-Protester Ordinance, Occupy Minneapolis
2012-03-07 19:41
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CIMC Radio
From The Trenches for April: HIstory of Chicago Film Censorship, Amara Enyia for Chicago mayor in 2015
2014-04-27 16:52
From the Trenches for March: Chicago panel discusses documentary on the media, "Shadows of Liberty"
2014-04-05 02:38
From the Trenches for Feb: UIC Faculty Strike, NATO3 Trial, Media Q's
2014-02-26 14:33
From the Trenches for Dec/Jan: Fukushima Getting Worse?, Fracking in Illinois, Kochs and Media
2014-01-27 16:44
From the Trenches for November: Kari Lydersen on "Mayor 1%: Rahm Emanuel and the Rise of Chicago's 99%"
2013-11-25 04:33
From the Trenches Radio for October: NEIU's Capeheart's legal win, McChesney on Dollarocracy
2013-11-20 13:09
From The Trenches Radio for Sept. 2013: "Our Democracy in Crisis" with Boghosian, Jensen, McChesney, Nichols
2013-10-11 15:46
From The Trenches Radio for August: Peace activists against drones, Nikiforuk on energy slaves
2013-08-29 16:41
From The Trenches Radio for July: Block Party against Rahm's Policies, Low Power FM Radio Victory
2013-08-09 16:02
From The Trenches Radio for June: Glenn Greenwald in Chicago, corporatization of hip-hop music
2013-06-23 20:03
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DSNDP Volunteers Make Chicago Proud Again!
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Laquan McDonald video screen grab
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on Sun, 2015-12-06 07:58
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