The Truth shall Prevail for We The People World-Wide

American Patriot Jeff Bootstraps Fisher

The truth that Bush and Cheney want covered-up!!!!!

Yesterday, Saturday, April 21st, 2012, I worked out at a gym in Manhattan working specifically to get back in shape so I can again try out to be a place kicker for the NFL hopefully for the 2013 or 2014 season. My regiment is to work out and strengthen my gluteus, both hamstrings, my quads (I kick soccer style with my right foot and like George Blanda with my left), my abductors, abdominals and oblique’s plus the soleus, gastrocnemis and what many forget the erector spinare.

Back in the 90’s I remember at a preseason game between the Patriots and the Broncos hearing Adam Vinatieri talking about the importance of the lower back and his compliments to kicker Tom Tupa for his training methods to longevity in the National Football League.

While at the club I was listening to five songs entitled Bade, Keneyi Sonmouna, Berara, Yigui et Wonkeremara which two days earlier I first heard when I had met a man from Cork named Scott whom told me about these songs at a dog park that Scott said
are popular in Republique de Guinee due to a man named Abedi.

This posting is dedicated to Jairo and a man named Robert Williams along with Pastor Winston Cato. The following link is of my political past for all to enjoy and learn what I am about.

There are many more for all to check out.
I am about many things for We the People World-Wide!!!

Recently, I, Jeff Bootstraps Fisher had sent a handwritten letter (snail mail) to a friend for now over twenty years of mine in St. George, Utah whom is a practicing Mormon (one wife) and is married to a lovely Italian, Angela Maria whom is a practicing Roman Catholic. I want to share for now the first three (blessed be trinity) paragraphs of that letter that was 24 pages long.

“To my good friend Matthew and Angela plus your two teenage daughters and always Max,

Matthew, how big is that Wolfhound now? Is he still eating you out of house and home? Angela please in the Blessed Name and Blood of Jesus and all that are associated with the Catholic and Mormon Church to begin with including all the neighboring towns and cities interconnected with faith and good will of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus beginning with St. George and throughout the entire state of Utah.

This letter to the four of you and Yes my good loyal playmate, Max, whom loves to chase us like we were rabbits when we go cross country skiing in the beautiful mountains overlooking Aspen and to all Christians to take delight in Christ Jesus to unite all of mankind with the True Living God, Alpha and Omega, Word, Christ, Immanuel, Jesus, Lamb of God, King of Kings Lord of Lords, Son of God, Saviour, Lord of Glory, Lord, Christ, High Priest, Son of Man, Bread of Life, Light of the World, Chief Shepherd, Holy One of God, Mediator, Son of David, Chief Cornerstone for Jesus is The Way, The Truth, The Light, Wonderful Counselor, Anointed One (Messiah), The Resurrection, Prince of Peace, Mighty God and as written in Isaiah, the Everlasting Father, so unique blessings of much credit goes to Ruth Bell Graham, Mr. Miller, Ellen G. White, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Richard and Carolyn Bland, Mrs. Shirlie Lobmiller and Sister in Christ Jesus Katherine Williams and also to many others that have made an impact in my life, such as Laurens Van Der Post, Mohan Sikka, the writer whom writes for the British Guardian Gary Younge, the Late Cesar Chavez, the courage of Václav Havel whom had a spark of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk in his quest for freedom in Czechoslovakia , which I spoke about openly in 1999 that in 2003 would begin a quest of a bodyguard of political and religious ramifications becoming full to fruition on December 2nd, 2004, till its next chapter, which was December 2nd, 2005, from Wellington, Florida to Berkeley, California, with a unique future leader and a kind heart, the true sparkling intelligent beautiful Jewel of Czechoslovakia, Jennifer Lynn Masaryk Ellis, an American meant to be of great global importance like Grace Kelly became to Monaco including what Charles Dickens wrote so well which is “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” which the poet that made a true lasting global impact, an unique human being named Olzhas Suleimenov that has led many toward seeking peace in the fashion of Mohandas Karamchand Gandi and Martin Luther King Jr., for they cared for We the People world-wide as did Sulemenov did on February 27th, 1989 about a horror in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.

Today I met a wonderful woman from Berlin, Herta. We talked about and the Germany site.
She wants all to know as do I about the following link.

Please in the Name and Blood of Christ Jesus also share this letter, including a man that I heard twice that fortified my internal strength for remaining true to twenty-two blessings done over me from 1966 and 1967 and the kind handshake in July of 2006 of July in Washington D.C. with NAACP President Julian Bond, that man, Pastor is Reverend Calvin Butts whom is an intriguing shepherd leading his flock of souls toward Christ Jesus in Uptown, Manhattan, also known as Harlem at the Joyous Uplifting Abyssinian Baptist Church on 137th Street and Adam Clayton Powell. Please, in the Name of Christ Jesus, read the entire letter and do the google searches for this is about absolute truth and absolute justice that strengthens Christianity that has been eroded over the past ninety-eight years. Feel free to share this letter with all Christians world-wide. This letter I sent to a close friend of over thirty years of mine doing missionary work with the Adventist in the Middle East and releasing my letters to all Christians, Hebrews and Muslims that have been another instrumental reason for the Arab Spring and further growth of religious conversions to Christianity in Egypt, Israel and Jordan.

The letter in December was my third to James in 2011 and he wrote to another friend of mine for over the past twenty years, Maritza, who lives in Brousard in Montreal with photos of me from Washington D.C. in 2006 talking at an embassy party hosted by Turkey where I was educating many about my Middle East Peace Plan and how Albert Arnold Gore Jr., Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia Anne McKinney, Ron Paul and I, Pro Life, Pro Peace, Pro Prayer Democrat Jeff Bootstraps Fisher can make it come to fruition. Now for a portion of that letter to be available to all Christians, Hebrews and Muslims world-wide that creates restoration of America, a true chance for world peace more than a Billion converts to Christianity over the next twenty-two years. A partial list of individuals a period of civilization that have left a positive impact to mold mind, body and spirit of whizkid1983_1986 beginning at the age of two, in the year of political unrest, 1963. In 1966 and 1967 my life became blessed thanks to being part of a second dream by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of five unique children to pass on his words of God and true passive resistance protesting regarding civil rights for an entire planet. In 2003, the third chosen child died in Baghdad, two remain, one male, one female, two who continue no matter what obstacles are placed in their way to block them from We the People world-wide. I in 1966 and 1967 was under the name of Jeffrey Joseph Rogoff now known since the mid 90’s legally as Jeffrey Jay Fisher and the other child is Cynthia Ann McKinney.

Google Al Gore Jeff Fisher World Peace and let all in OWS become aware if it.
This is also being filmed by many in to make sure it is not censured.

Google Ron Paul Jeff Fisher Freedom in America

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