slavery in the U.S.
This indictment of the Democratic party is not intended to be an exoneration of the Republican party. Republicans have their own stench about them. Between the two of them you have to choose between being a slave or being cast out into the wilderness.
Welfare slavery is a plague that has been the scourge of the poor. Through the welfare programs the government has subsidized cheap cheap CHEAP labor for the wealthy for many years. In rural areas people on welfare are fully expected to work for the wealth at dirt cheap, under-the-table pay as maids, gardeners, babysitters and even business employees. In the city it is food stamps, food banks and charity programs which subsidize the cheap labor for the wealthy. Walmart and McDonald's, to name a few, would be out of business for lack of employees if their work force actually had to survive on their pay. Luckily those employees are kept alive by government and private charities so they may continue to work for next to nothing for wealthy people and huge, rich corporations. This is called “helping the poor”.
Welfare slavery grew up just in time to replace Jim Crow and was ruled solidly under the Democrats, just as Jim Crow functioned under the iron rule of the Democrats. There are still places in the south where Democrat rule is so strong that the Democratic primary is the entire election because the Democratic candidates run unopposed. For the most part they are the most destitute and desperate of rural areas.
Those who believe the Democrats are for helping “the little man” had better go back and study your history because they're baiting you up again. Want some candy, little man?
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