American exceptionalism
A lot of people are offended by the words “American execptionalism”. I think most of you misunderstand what they mean. American dream, American exceptionalism, and The Land of Opportunity are not brags about how wonderful America is, they are demands for use ordinary American folk to bow to.
Yes there are rich people in America. Yes included among the rich are people who came here from other nations. They live on the backs of us common folk.
Have you ever seen the weary faces of Americans and immigrants riding buses and trains home from work? Some people spend as much as 2 hours each way, going and coming from work. Their jobs do not pay well enough to buy them a car. Some people's jobs do not even pay well enough to pay for a roof over their heads, they sleep at the airport when they get off work.
You will not see many hovels in America. That is not because we are all rich. It's because the local governments would tear them down and force the occupants to sleep behind a dumpster rather than have the world see how poor many Americans are. The rich want to maintain that dream image so that you in the rest of the world will hock the rest of your lives to pay your own way to American to pursue the golden dream. Many of you end up behind the dumpster or sleeping at the airport with us native born, or as virtual slaves.
When the high and mighyt speak of American exceptionalism they are really telling us ordinary folk that we are not working hard enough or sacrificing enough to maintain the illusion they want to present to the world.
If you are offended by the notion of American exceptionalism, please be offended at those who actually speak such things. Please do not be angry at us ordinary Americans.
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