$3.8 trillion budget sets up election-year fight with Republicans

Sheldon Alberts

The US faces a revenue crisis and a war spending crisis. The Congress, a millionaires' club, isn't about upholding the constitution but maintaining plutocracy and crony capitalism. Without the social contract, we become wolves against one another. The social contract and government of the people should ensure that everyone shares in the productivity gains.
"The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history." (Albert Einstein)
"The bomb changed everything except the way we think." (Albert Einstein)

Culture shock and critical thinking can change our priorities and perspectives. The community centers in every neighborhood in Vancouver BC have a multiplier and cushioning effect and make possible public spirit and joy in life. Once the US transitions from empire to republic and changes investment, taxation, labor market, distribution and trade policies, we will become part of the changing world community.

Capitalism with its inbuilt insatiability pressure makes people anxious, not happy. Neoliberal myths and fictions, trickle-down prosperity, corporate beneficence and every dishwasher becomes a millionaire cannot replace public spirit. Capitalism has many forms. Alternative economics emphasizes reducing working hours, investing in labor-intensive work, person-oriented work, infrastructure investment and environment-friendly investment. Access could replace excess; qualitative growth could replace quantitative growth. Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people.

Being civilized means learning from the past. Trusting in the invisible hand of the market like trusting in the military-industrial complex are false securities that only ensure mistrust, cynicism, exploding inequality and generalized insecurity.

to read the 2-page summary of President Obama's 2012 budget from a Canadian newspaper The Province February 13, 2012, click on


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