National Call regarding educational system militarization draws prominent signers

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
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Dear activist friends,

This message is being sent to you on behalf of signers of the National Call to Save Civilian Public Education. The signers of the call include leaders of various progressive social change organizations and prominent authors and activists. They include, among others, Noam Chomsky, Cindy Sheehan, Tom Hayden, Col. Ann Wright, Carlos Muñoz and Michael Albert.

The thrust of the call is reflected in a brief excerpt below. It concerns the long-term impact of corporate, military and other conservative influences in the educational system and the shared stake we all have in stopping it. The complete text (attached) contains more information and a plea for progressive organizations to give this issue their attention. There is also a "Where Do We Go from Here?" section that lists action ideas for activist organizations, foundations and progressive media.

We hope you will read the call, circulate it to your members, publish it, and communicate with us regarding any steps you are willing to take to address the concerns described in the call.
Upon request, we can send a copy of the call in Word or plain text format.


National Call Convening Committee

Excerpt from National Call introduction:

Over the last several decades, the Pentagon, conservative forces, and corporations have been systematically working to expand their presence in the K-12 learning environment and public institutions of higher education. The combined impact of the military, conservative think tanks and foundations, and of corporatization of our public educational systems has eroded the basic democratic concept of civilian public education. It is a trend that, if allowed to continue, will weaken the primacy of civilian rule and, ultimately, our country’s commitment to democratic ideals.

The signers of this statement believe it is urgent for all advocates of social justice, peace and the environment to recognize the dangerous nature of this problem and confront it with deliberate action.

National Call: Save Civilian Public Education

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