Dietary And Other Causes Of Violence, Other News Items

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Dietary, Learned Behavior, And Other Causes Of Violence
In March 10 were killed in a Boulder Colorado grocery, 8 in Atlanta massage parlors. In April, there were mass shootings in Indianapolis and Bryan Texas. What factors cause this? What we eat and drink and violence: When animals are in agonized pain, terror and anger at slaughterhouses, they secrete adrenaline some of which remains in their murdered flesh even after cooking, affecting action. In addition, artery blocking animal fat can create high blood pressure and frustration, generating anger. American obesity is related to meat and dairy consumption. Obesity also makes people angry. Re pills, Atty Leonard Finz was one of the 1st to sue
drug cos. over antidepressants' role in causing homicide and suicide. The FDA put such a warning on bottle labels. We know some are 'angry drunks' because alcohol
releases inhibition. Some tv shows, 4H, the NRA and parents teach children to stalk and kill animals in the woods. The military teaches young men and women how to kill. Schools teach students to kill & dissect animals. Analysis of serial killers is that most were taught to kill when young. Children watch as adults smash beehives and exterminate raccoons squirrels and birds in attics. Cop shows depict real handcuffing with guns drawn. TV shows, movies and video games glorify violence. African Americans per capita are shot much more than whites, Latinos, Asians. 166 mass shootings in the US have been listed in 2021 as of April 16.

Aldi's: please stop selling pig flesh from cruel farms or beans with lard in them, add a smaller cart option, paper bags are one factor in climate
extremes. It's rare to find vegan pastries and ice creams.
428 Aldi's reviews
37 nonvegan ingredients:
Natural flavorings, many numbered additives such as E120, omega 3 fatty acids,
vitamin D3, L-cysteine, beer and wine, candy, some Jellos, olive tapenade, some french fries etc, pesto, some processed beans,
Some companies sell items marked vegan which aren't. It's important to read the labels.
Not 20 but 32 years in Afghanistan (12 yrs spending
billions arming Afghan residents to drive out Russians)
Daisy cutter bombs dropped by our govt wiped out
every living animal and bird.. their casualties never counted

Georgia based Home Depot has been silent about Republican voter suppression laws. Cofounder Ken Langone is a vocal Trump man as has WalMart.
A film starring Will Smith and financed by Apple pulled its production after Major League Baseball pulled the All Star game out of Georgia because of the law.
And in Arizona, activists and labor groups have begun calling on companies with large presences in the state, including CVS, Allstate, Farmers Insurance and Enterprise Holdings, to publicly oppose legislation that could limit voting access.
Not 20 but 32 years in Afghanistan (12 yrs spending
billions arming Afghan residents to drive out Russians)
Daisy cutter bombs dropped by our govt wiped out
every living animal and bird.. their casualties never counted

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