Fbi through fusion centers corrupts police and local government

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Police & ORA update:

This date McAllen Police refuse to release police report on class c assault & battery (A & B)of my person by fbi operative/assassin. The Texas AG supports the police violation of Texas Open Records Act.
This is happening frequently and when I complain about police lies and threats, the police are even more agitated and harass me at the station. The city attorney and AG are not interested in protecting victims rights. So, fbi assassins rule as per fusion center mandates.
The police officer REGALADO confirmed to me verbally that he viewed the A & B on the FedEx video. On several occasions police falsify my reports and sometimes threaten me.

Regalado also stated to me that the alleged perpetrator has right of privacy. When I replied that no such right exist during the commission of a crime, Regalado expressed surprise.

I need Regalado' s report to protect myself against continuing abuses by police.

In deference to fbi corrupt authority all police have implied permission to violate laws, falsify victims' reports, threaten victims and kill them if deemed necessary. Thus, police, prosecutors and fbi are mortal enemies of the people whom they pretend to serve.

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