Jeff Sessions: Racist, Cruel, Pro Execution, Pro War, Pro Torture

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Jeff Sessions is racist, pro-torture, pro-war, pro-execution and should be voted down

Why Senate Should Vote Down Jeff Sessions For Attorney General

If after being acquainted with the history, you believe Jeff Sessions, Trump's selection for Attry General, is racist, please call your senator at 202 224 3121 and ask for a no vote on his nomination.

Senator Chris Coons testimony before Congress on Feb 1st and his earlier questions of Sessions can be seen at He brought up several of the following points:

1. As attorney general of Alabama, Sessions approved of the unconstitutional hitching post. Black and white prisoners were shackled to posts to roast in the sun.

2. Sessions was one of only 9 senators who voted in favor of torture and against McCain's amendment to end its use.

3. Others have mentioned that Sessions advocated the death penalty for those convicted more than once of selling pot. Mandatory death penalties are unconstitutional, but Jeff Sessions asked for
mandatory death sentences for drug sellers' 2nd offense

4. Sessions as attorney general of Alabama executed 3. All of them were black.

5. Sessions opposed protections for the right of privacy.

6. Sessions voted against the Violence Against Women Act which gives women subjected to violence places to stay.

7. Sessions has blocked efforts to reform criminal justice. (There are hundreds of examples, one of which is many prisons have no air conditioning in summer. Texas prison temperatures have reached 135 degrees and caused prisoner deaths.)

8. Coons said that in general Sessions has favored harsher longer sentences.

9. Sessions was in favor of expanded surveillance by NSA

10. The Voting Rights Act was pushed into law by President Johnson, to end 2 centuries of discrimination against black citizens. Senator Sessions expressed delight when Scalia, Roberts, and 3 other Republican justices ended it. Coretta Scott King wrote a letter about the need to continue it.

11. Sessions opposed protection for LGBT citizens.

12. Sessions called the NAACP and the ACLU "un-American" and "Communist-inspired."

13 In 1986, the Senate voted against the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal
judgeship, believing him to be racist. The Senate was a majority Republican at that time.

14 Sessions singled out black activists for prosecution persecution. including black workers in a voter registration drive. It took the jury three hours to throw out his indictment.

15. Sessions criticized President Obama for his commutations of very harsly treated prisoners, sentenced to life without parole for minor drug sales.

16. Both Trump who nominated Sessions and Trump's father were taken to court for their part in segregating apartment complexes

17. Sessions only became a US senator because of more than a century of denial of the franchise to black voters in a variety of ways.

18. Sessions defended keeping the confederate flag on public property in Alabama.

19. Sessions said separation of church and state is unconstitutional

20. Sessions had claimed to have worked on civil rights cases for minorities, but his
law professor said that was not so. Sessions later withdrew his claim. Senator Chris Coons gave other examples of Sessions' misrepresenting the truth.

21. Sessions had told a white attorney he should not have black clients, and made
racist comments in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's.


In addition
Sessions is a supporter of the illegal immoral wars the US government has waged since G H W Bush was president, a climate change denier, someone who opposes gay marriage, someone whose history indicates he might aggressively work against the 8 new states and others states which have legalized marijuana.

The Washington Post reports 'Sessions has opposed nearly every immigration bill that has come before the Senate the past two decades that has included a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally'..

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