Trump Picks Opponent Of Minimum Wage Increases For Labor Secretary

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Trump Picks Opponent Of Minimum Wage Increases For Labor Secretary

Andrew Puzder, Trump pick for labor secretary, comes from an antilabor fast food background. He is known for sexist ads and opposition to minimum wage.
Trump Picks Opponent Of Minimum Wage Increases For Labor Secretary

Billionaire Trump's pick for Labor Secretary Andrew Puzder would keep the working class poor. He comes from a business anti-labor perspective, and is also known for sexist ads.

He is opposed to minimum wage increases. The animal flesh industry has long been an opponent
of minimum wage. During Richard Nixon's presidential campaign, Ray Kroc, founder of the McDoanld's chain, gave Nixon 1 million $ in exchange for exempting fast food chains from minimum wage. Nixon kept his promise but was overridden by congress.

In addition, Puzder has spent a quarter century marketing the unhealthiest of all foods, foods which cause cancer, heart disease, food poisoning, animal agony, environmental desecration, energy waste.

The chief food product of Puzder's business has been animal flesh. Like the fishing and
tree axing professions, slaughterhouse work is in the top 5 in danger.


Slaughterhouses have the highest turnover of any industry and hire the poorest of the poor.

Some of the hazards of slaughterhouse work are deaths and injuries including lost digits from the slicing machines, being exposed to freezing temperatures, kicks and bites of terrorized animals, high volume noise from screaming frightened animals, slipping on the grease, blood, urine and feces on the slaughterhouse floor, carbon monoxide, electrocution, alcoholism and drug use to shut out animals' pain

Industrial Safety--Preventing Industrial Slaughterhouse Accidents:

A UFCW union steward has said that most worker accidents occur in slaughterhouses.
Vegetarian vegan and fruitarian diet prevent the following accidents:
Workers are kicked, bitten, and scratched in the head by terrified animals fighting for their lives unsuccessfully.

Contract ear problems from the screaming and shrieking of the animals,

Have problems with bones in relation to the cold storage rooms.

Cuts from the metal machinery, running into computer line knives.

Alcoholism and drug use from trying to deal with the animals' suffering they are constantly absorbing.

The reduction of OSHA staff and the use of illegal aliens to fill these jobs, some of the most unpopular in the industry, intrinsically means more accidents.

Electrocution from machinery near liquid secretions.

In slaughterhouses where pig flesh is scalded, there are frequent burns.

Open grease pits for blood, grease, feces, urine are traps for tired employees.

There is ligament tearing in the back, shoulders, and arms from the lifting of 100 lb. or several hundred lb. carcasses.
Carpal tunnel is a frequent complaint of meat cutters.
As a 1980's administration doubled the legal speed of the line, there is a consequent increase in accidents.
The deregulation of some slaughterhouses has meant less trained personnel.
In fish slaughter, there are also bites, scratches, hook accidents, fishing line accidents, drownings and other trauma.
Prevention of contracting the animals' diseases in contact with slaughterhouse fluids (blood, feces, urine, vomit).
Slip and fracture themselves on blood, urine, vomit and feces soaked floors,
Lung problems from constant exposure to feather dust (A Japanese movie shown on Bravo is a tale of peach trees cut down as their spirits speak to children.).
The Reagan administration doubled the speed of conveyor belts in slaughterhouses, making meat inspection even more unlikely than before. The USDA has since sped up the lines even more. As cancer ridden birds speed by, workers are exposed to a dizzying optical effect.

Joseph Kidd, according to this video, was killed by Tyson Foods excessive heat and carbon monoxide
/> />
/> Undercover Investigation of Animal and Worker Abuse At Tyson Slaughterhouse (one of several dozen) in Texas���/undercover-investigation-…/…���/the-forgotten-casualti…/

In the 19th Century, butchers were not allowed on British juries. It was felt that the job made individuals less sensitive to incidents of violence.

FBI profilers document that those used to killing animals are more able to kill human beings." rel="nofollow" target="_blank">TYSON EMPLOYEE TELLS ALL ABOUT TYSON FOODS INC ! V15 Vid 01Pt.1 BOYCOTT TYSON FOODS, INC.

Puzder is known for
1. sexist ads
2. coming from a buesiness bottom line and not a pro-labor point of view
3. his. opposition to minimum wage increases
4. He is in an industry whose main product, animal flesh, comes from the worst of all conditions for working men and women.
See also:

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