Racial And Ethnic Equity On The Supreme Court

An end to Supreme Court justices serving for life, an inherently undemocratic institution


It is wrong that the majority black population
of Baton Rouge Louisiana has a majority white police force,
as it is wrong that 55% of the Supreme Court is
Catholic when Catholics are 22% of the population.
(Before Scalia's death 2/3 of the Supreme Court was Catholic.)
It is wrong that 2% of the population who are
Jewish Americans control 33% of the Court. If the executioner
Merrick Garland (being pushed by Obama, Biden, Clinton and others)
is appointed, 2% of the population who are Jewish Americans
would control nearly 45% of the court, while many religious groups
and ethnic groups, Native Americans for example, Hindus, Buddhists,
etc. have never been represented at all. In addition, Garland's
history as an executioner is in conflict with the Democratic
Party platform which opposes judicial murder.

It is also time to end the lifetime appointment of judges. This nonacracy is
at times a pentocracy, a rule of 5, who trump the will of the majority.
The Court has rubberstamped illegal immoral wars, execution, the worst
forms of capitalism. It is time for 1 election every year to elect 1 of the 9
justices for a term of 9 or 8 years.

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