Erdogan and Ahmadinejad Mursi'

Erdogan and Ahmadinejad Mursi'

Erdogan and Ahmadinejad Mursi'nin e okul vbs to spell their names without responding to the question, "How Syria and rights management is an issue that could decide the nation. Justice, freedom and respect for the right of all nations. e okul Focuses on two methods to Syria. e okul vbs One of the war, and the other compromise. We solve problems through national reconciliation Syrians want to battle some folks say. We believe that the method, based on free elections, e okul national reconciliation goes. Method means that the blessings of the war there, folks. We will choose which method you say to them "he said.

Erdogan and Ahmadinejad Mursi'nin e okul vbs to spell their names without responding to the question, "How Syria and rights management is an issue that could decide the nation. Justice, freedom and respect for the right of all nations. e okul Focuses on two methods to Syria. e okul vbs One of the war, and the other compromise. We solve problems through national reconciliation Syrians want to battle some folks say. We believe that the method, based on free elections, e okul national reconciliation goes. Method means that the blessings of the war there, folks. We will choose which method you say to them "he said.

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