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FBI Serves Search Warrants Against Iosbaker, Weiner

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FBI serves search warrants here against anti-war activists
September 24, 2010 7:07 PM | No Comments | UPDATED STORY
Federal agents today searched eight locations in Chicago and Minneapolis in an investigation into alleged connections between local peace activists and terrorist organizations in the Middle East and South America.

FBI agents searched the Logan Square home of activists Stephanie Weiner and her husband, Joe Iosbaker, throughout the day, Weiner said. The Jefferson Park home of Hatem Abudayyeh, executive director of the Arab American Action Network, also was searched, his neighbors said.

Federal agents carry empty boxes as part of a search in the home of anti-war activists Friday. (Tribune / Phil Velasquez)

"The warrants are seeking evidence in support of an ongoing Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism," said Steve Warfield, spokesman for the FBI in Minneapolis, where six other homes were searched.

Warfield said there was no "imminent danger" to the public and said no arrests were made Friday.

Weiner, who said she and her husband for years have been active in labor causes and the anti-war movement, called the search an attempt to intimidate her and other activists.

"We aren't doing anything differently than we have in 20 years," said Weiner. "We believe (the investigation) is about harassing peace and justice activists and trying to silence and intimidate other activists."

Anti-war activists Joe Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner at their Northwest Side home Friday. (Tribune / Phil Velasquez)

Chicago labor activist Tom Burke said he received a grand jury subpoena requesting any records of payments to Abudayyeh's organization as well as several Colombian dissident organizations. Burke is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, a group mentioned in subpoenas and warrants issued to activists.

Burke said he knows Weiner, Iosbaker and Abudayyeh from years of coordinating demonstrations and activities in Chicago, and that they all participated in anti-war rallies at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., with several activists whose homes were searched in Minneapolis.

Several of those targeted with warrants or subpoenas Friday are occasional contributors to Fight Back!, a socialist newsletter, Burke said.

"We pretty much all know each other," he said. "But as for giving money to terrorist groups, we barely have money to publish our magazine."

--Andy Grimm


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